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Sickness & Medication

Our primary goal is to ensure the safety and well-being of all children in our care, promote good health, and prevent the spread of infections within our childcare setting. To achieve this, we have established the following policies:


Exclusion of ill Children: We will discuss with parents and document the arrangements for excluding a child from our setting if they become unwell while in our care.

Hand Hygiene: We will encourage regular hand washing with warm soapy water before meals, handling food, and after using the toilet.

Tissue Use: We will promote the use of tissues for children with coughs and colds to minimise the spread of germs.

Exclusion Period: Any child with an infectious illness, such as a severe cold or stomach upset (sickness/diarrhoea), will not be allowed to return until they have been free from illness for 48 hours. This is to reduce the risk of transmission to other children and staff.

Arrival with Infectious Disease: If a child arrives at our setting with a contagious or potentially harmful illness, we expect them to refrain from attending until they have fully recovered for the recommended period of time.

Payment during Exclusion: In accordance with our contract, we expect to be paid for the child's place even if they are excluded from our setting due to illness.


If a child becomes sick:

  • Parents should promptly inform us of any illness or ailment affecting their child, even if it may not impact other children. Unless it is a cough or cold, or alternative arrangements are agreed upon, parents should make alternate childcare arrangements for the unwell child.

  • If a child becomes sick while in our care, we will make every effort to contact the parent and discuss the best course of action. This may involve arranging for the parent (or an agreed alternative) to pick up the child early. If the parent is unable or unwilling to arrange collection, we will separate the sick child from others in our care.

  • In cases where we feel the child's condition is of significant concern, we will follow our Accident, Incident, or Emergency Procedure, which may include seeking emergency medical advice.

  • To safeguard the well-being of all children and the unwell child, they will not be allowed to return to our setting until they have fully recovered. In some cases, we may require the child to visit their local GP before returning.

  • As per the Children Act regulations, we will notify Ofsted of any notifiable diseases, as defined by the Health Protection Agency. Additionally, we will inform Ofsted if two or more children are affected by food poisoning or if any child has a serious disease. Notification will be made within 14 days of the incident occurring.

  • Throughout the child's time in our care, we will provide them with reassurance, love, and care until their parents/carers arrive for collection.


Administering Medication:

  • We will request written permission from parents at the beginning of our relationship to seek necessary emergency medical advice or treatment in the future.

  • Only with written permission from the parent, detailing dosage, frequency, and any relevant information, will we administer any prescription or non-prescription medication. We will use long-term/short-term medication records to document this information, and parents/carers will be required to complete and sign an administering medication form.

  • All prescription medication must be in the child's name and recently prescribed.

  • Medication will only be administered when there is a valid health reason to do so.

  • We understand that children under 16 should not be given medications containing aspirin unless prescribed by a doctor.

  • Medicines will be stored in accordance with the product instructions, in their original containers. They should include the prescriber's instructions for administration.

  • We will strictly adhere to the dosage stated in the medication's instructions and not administer more than directed.


Existing Long-Term Conditions:

Prior to the child's enrolment, we will inquire with parents/carers about any long-term medical conditions the child may have. We will gather information from parents/carers and other suitable sources regarding the management of the condition. Our aim is to work collaboratively with parents/carers to provide the most suitable care for the individual child.



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